Man sleeping on Canadian sidewalk, The Blackbird (Jay Black), CC BY-SA 2.0 2007 |
Le revenu universel de base serait un moyen simple et efficace de garantir un matelas de sécurité à toute personne en situation précaire. En Europe, un revenu mensuel inconditionnel de 1001 € par adulte et de 500,5 € par enfant, par exemple, permettrait à chacun-e de vivre dans la dignité, quelles que soient ses compétences, sa situation et ses choix de vie. Le sans-abrisme, les banques alimentaires, les aides sociales d'urgence... seraient enfin reléguées aux oubliettes.
Le financement de ce système se ferait par une fiscalité juste, à laquelle chacun-e contribuerait en fonction de ses revenus réels. Cela réduirait les inégalités extrêmes et apporterait l'ultime pierre, sans doute la plus solidaire, à notre sécurité sociale. La société apaisée qui en résulterait inspirerait alors le monde, redonnant à l'Europe l'élan des lumières qu'elle n'aurait jamais dû perdre.
D'accord avec moi? Alors signez la pétition WeMove.EU pour mettre sur pied un revenu inconditionnel d'urgence en Europe!
EN – The technical progress of mankind should in principle enable it to meet its needs. Unfortunately, the very unequal distribution of wealth reduces a large part of the population to indecent poverty, often close to slavery. Even in Europe, many people still live in a misery unworthy of the social security systems claimed here. In many cases, it is the administrative complexity of these security systems that makes them inaccessible to those who need them most, even when they are fully entitled to them.
A universal basic income would be a simple and effective way of guaranteeing a safety mattress for everyone in a precarious situation. In Europe, an unconditional monthly income of €1001 per adult and €500.5 per child, for example, would allow everyone to live in dignity, regardless of their skills, circumstances and life choices. Homelessness, food banks, emergency social assistance... would finally be consigned to oblivion.
This system would be financed by a fair tax system, to which everyone would contribute according to their real income. This would reduce extreme inequalities and provide the ultimate, perhaps the most supportive, building block to our social security system. The resulting peaceful society would then inspire the world, giving Europe back the momentum of enlightenment it should never have lost.
Agree with me? Then sign the WeMove.EU petition for an emergency basic income in Europe!